At this time of year everyone’s off on their holidays, whether it’s at home or abroad! Quingo Scooters are always browsing for new places to visit, and we understand just how important is to find somewhere fully accessible where you can be completely comfortable.
We’ve been sharing some accessible holidays with you over the last couple of months, helping you find the perfect location for your summer getaway. Today we’re heading to the Mediterranean to the beautiful Balearic island of Majora, Puerto Pollensa to be exact.
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Here at Quingo Scooters we love browsing for holidays and getaways, and then having something to look forward to when you eventually book!
In our accessible holidays series we’ve been discovering some of the best accessible holidays around, at home and abroad. This week we’re back in the UK with some idyllic little cottages in the South of England where you can truly enjoy the British summertime!

The Cottages
Petasfield Cottages are located in the peaceful countryside of Hertfordshire, and are one of the most accessible holiday homes in the South of England.
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At this time of year we’re often eager to book a summer holiday, and we’re constantly looking around for ideas and inspiration on where to go! Quingo Scooters understand that finding somewhere that’s perfect is extremely important, especially when it comes to accessibility.
In our series of blog posts on accessible holidays, we’ve been looking at the best spots for your summer getaway. Today, we’re taking you to the beautiful south coast of Cyprus to the Villa Carpe Diem.
Cyprus is a popular holiday destination that certainly doesn’t lack in scenery, history and culture.
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As we are in the midst of the great British summer, the Quingo team would like to bring to the attention of our users a great resource which could help you plan your future holidays.
We know Quingo users love to make the most of the freedom their scooter offers. With that in mind, we were recently made aware of a website that can make researching and booking your next holiday a lot easier, and the website even recommends some great accessible holiday destinations for you to visit on your scooter.
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