The Quingo team would like to share the feedback of a former pilot who recently took ownership of a brand new Quingo Air 2, and was so pleased he decided to tell us about his experience.
Former Pilot
Mr Watson used to fly Vulcan planes and was hoping to visit an airshow locally to say farewell to the soon-to-be retired aircraft. The Quingo team loaned Mr Watson a brand new Air 2 so he could attend the event and say goodbye.
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We always encourage our Quingo scooter users to get out and about on their 5 wheel scooters, and in this blogpost we’ll take a look at accessibility in some of UK’s favourite historical properties.
The National Trust is an organisation committed to developing and promoting access solutions in their properties. We know our customers enjoy visiting National Trust sites, so we’ve provided some information about accessibility in National Trust properties, and what you should check before you travel.

Basic Access at National Trust Properties
Wherever possible the Trust admits scooter users into their historic buildings.
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Quingo Scooters offer help, tips, advice and information about 5 wheel Quingo Mobility Scooters