In ages gone by, our monarchs built grand residences across the UK, so they could live in the true luxury befitting of their status. Many are still standing, providing you with plenty of great days out as a mobility scooter user. But where do you begin? Here’s where Quingo Scooters comes in. We’re bringing the UK’s top accessible attractions to your attention and we’ve got a great one for you in this post.
Join us, as we go to one of the country’s most stunning royal residences – Hampton Court Palace.
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Here at Quingo Scooters, we’re always encouraging you to get out and about and to explore the world around you with your mobility scooter. In our series of articles, we’re bringing various accessible routes to your attention, which you can take on your mobility scooter to discover the UK’s amazing natural beauty.
Today we’re heading down to Itchen Valley Park. Based in Southampton, Hampshire, this is an accessible popular nature park which is suitable for mobility scooter users.

Itchen Valley Park
Itchen Valley Park features 440 acres of stunning woodland and meadows for you to explore.
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Quingo Scooters are always encouraging users to get out and about to visit interesting or unusual places on their mobility scooters, especially places that you didn’t think were accessible enough. Over our series of blog posts we’ve been sharing with you some extremely accessible attractions to explore on your mobility scooter.
This week we’re back in the capital, exploring the iconic Tower Bridge Exhibition. If you’re planning a trip to London this summer (or whenever!) then be sure not to miss this must see attraction.
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Here at Quingo Scooters we’ve been sharing places with you that would be perfect for a day out, especially places you’d never think to visit or you didn’t know existed! It’s great finding brand new accessible places to visit on your mobility scooter.
This week we’re heading to Wales, specifically to the valley of the River Cothi, near Pumsaint, for something a little bit different but incredibly fun.
The Dolaucothi Gold Mines, also known as the Ogofau Gold Mine, are underground mines dating back to Roman times.
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