In the first of a series of articles about accessible public transport, today the Quingo scooter team present our guide to buses.
Freedom and independence
We know our customers are delighted that their Quingo gives them the freedom to travel as they please, whether this means visiting friends or family, doing their daily shop or simply going out for some fresh air.
However, for longer journeys involving public transport, there are often a few more things to consider.
Travelling by bus with your Quingo 5 wheel scooter
The regulations regarding travelling by bus with a mobility scooter vary so it’s important to check with your bus company for full information.
According to the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs (RICA), a charity whose information is cited by the Department for Transport, if you and your scooter meet certain criteria you may be able to take it on low-floor buses. You can find more details on the requirements below:
What are the requirements?
- Your scooter must be Class 2 type and meet certain size limits. Your bus company must also be running a scooter permit scheme, such as the one developed by the Confederation for Passenger Transport (CPT) or the one run by Transport for London (TfL).
- Your bus company will need you to demonstrate that you are able to manoeuvre your scooter on and off the bus safely and that you can reverse into the wheelchair space. They should offer you training and can also advise which local routes you can travel on.
- Bus companies who are signed up to the CPT scheme will issue credit-card sized permits which show that you are allowed to travel with your scooter. Make sure you have this to hand when ready to board the bus, so you can show it to the driver to highlight that you’re permitted to bring your Quingo on board.
- If you’re not sure whether or not your local bus company has a permit scheme, you can check The Rica website which contains a handy list of bus companies who have signed up. If yours isn’t on the list try asking them about the CPT scheme as they may be happy to accept a permit that’s been given to you by a different operator.
Finding out more
These are the main points to consider if you’d like to take your Quingo on a bus. We’d advise that you contact your bus company to find out everything you need to know. It is also recommended that scooter users stay seated during transit. We‘d also encourage you not to dismiss bus travel with your scooter out of hand, it varies from region to region and company to company, but we encourage you to make the most of your travel experience on your Quingo 5 wheel scooter.

If you have any questions about your Quingo, please complete the enquiry form and one of our friendly and knowledgeable team will get back to you. Alternatively you can call our customer service line on 01582 430 900.