Tag Archives: quingo

Useful tips for driving your Quingo scooter

Today, the Quingo team wants to give you a few points to bear in mind when driving your scooter, which will help you have the best possible experience, whilst retaining maximum levels of security and comfort.


What you need to know before driving your Quingo

Before purchasing your Quingo, an advisor will have talked you through everything you need to know to ensure you have the safest and most enjoyable experience.

Here’s an outline of some of the key points to consider:

  1. Before driving your Quingo, make sure you get comfortable.
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Companies promise to act after BBC’s disabled access exposé

The Quingo team recently read that some large UK firms have undertaken urgent measures to improve their services for people with disabilities. The news follows a BBC London investigation that exposed several failures in this area.

Taking measures to improve accessibility

As part of the investigation, a blind person and a wheelchair user wore secret cameras to document cafes without ramps, minicab drivers that refused to accept guide dogs and train station staff not present when assistance was required. More than 100 restaurants are now being audited for their accessibility.

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Taking your Quingo on a ferry

In the fourth of a series of articles about taking your scooter on different forms of transport, the Quingo team today want to talk about taking your Quingo on a ferry.

Traveling the sea with your Quingo

At Quingo, accessibility and mobility are major concerns of ours, which is why we’d like to discuss the practicalities of taking your Quingo 5 wheel scooter across the sea.

In the past it was often difficult for those with limited mobility to travel by ship or ferry, but newer and more modern boats have started to make journeys much more accessible.

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Silver Travel Awards reminder – All Quingo users are invited to vote…

As the closing date approaches, the Quingo team want to remind you to vote for the “Best Limited Mobility/Accessible Travel Provider” award at the forthcoming Silver Travel awards, sponsored by Quingo.

Silver Travel Awards

The Silver Travel Awards, in conjunction with Silver Travel Advisor, celebrate businesses and attractions that go the extra mile to meet the needs of the mature travel market.

The awards ceremony will take place on the 4th June 2015 at the Natural History Museum in London and the awards will be announced and presented by former BBC Royal Correspondent Jennie Bond.

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