Category Archives: Accessible Routes

Quingo Scooters Accessible Getaways: Glasgow

Glasgow is a city with a fascinating history and an equally vibrant present. Quingo Scooters is heading to Scotland’s second city for the next part of our Accessible Getaways series.

Exploring Glasgow

Glasgow, almost more than any city we can think of, is a city of contrasts. It has a tough reputation of course, but it is also a place of great artistic and creative beauty. It is a working city, but also one that is famous around the world for its museums, its music and its galleries.

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Quingo Scooters Accessible Getaways: Birmingham

Birmingham is one of the UK’s most diverse and exciting cities and Quingo Scooters is heading there this week as part of our Accessible Getaways blog series.

Birmingham - Quingo Scooters

Exploring Birmingham

Considering that it is England’s second biggest city, we think that Birmingham is sometimes overlooked. But over the past decade or so it has shaken off some of the dust of its industrial past. Today, more and more visitors are now discovering what this diverse and fascinating city has to offer. From world class eateries (it has five Michelin starred restaurants!)

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Quingo Scooters: The best accessible trails for nature lovers

Here at Quingo, we know that many of you are keen nature lovers and it is a passion we certainly share. There really is nothing like getting out and about and experiencing first hand some of the incredible wildlife we have here in the UK. Happily, much of our countryside is accessible to those of us who use mobility scooters. So, this time around we’re bringing you our pick of some of the best places to get close to the natural world.

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Quingo Scooters Accessible Routes: The UK’s National Parks

Here at Quingo Scooters, we thought that this time around we’d bring you just a few highlights from some of the most picturesque and dramatic parts of the UK. Our National Parks are stunning and most feature great routes that are accessible to those of us who use mobility scooters. This is our pick of some of the best.

Accessing the UK’s National Parks

There are 15 National Parks across the UK, with 10 in England, three in Wales and two in Scotland.

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Quingo Scooters Accessible Getaways: Harrogate

We all need to get away sometimes, and there is nothing we love more here at Quingo Scooters than tracking down the best short breaks in the UK for you. There are certainly plenty to choose from but this time we’re finding out what the beautiful northern spa town of Harrogate has to offer.

Exploring Harrogate

It’s a regular winner of the best place to live in the UK and it really is no wonder. Harrogate is a stunning town, full of historic buildings and tea rooms to wile away the days in.

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